PowerShell Vaccine for the CyberAttack NotPetya

Ok, another cyber-attack…
Ransomware Petya utilises EternalBlue vulnerability [the same WannaCry used], targeting people who have not done the patch. EternalBlue, exploiting a vulnerability in Microsoft’s SMB protocol, and Microsoft has been published Security Bulletin. Find your patch here:

Or, there is a quick fix:
As announced this morning on BBC website, there is a vaccine, not to kill, but at least stop the ransomware cyber-attack, so called: NotPetya/Petya/Petna/SortaPetya 🙂 Here is the PowerShell version to help you, just put the server names and enter the credentials to the prompt!

function Protect-Perfc {
    param ([Array]$ServerList, [PSCredential]$PSCredential)
    $scriptBlock= {

        function Set-PerfcFile {
            param ([string]$File )

            if (Test-Path -Path $File){
                Write-Output "Item exists"
            else {
                Write-Output "Item does not exist. Creating"
                New-Item -Path $File -Force -ItemType File
            Write-Output "Setting the item readonly property:"

            if (Get-ItemProperty $File -Name IsReadOnly)
                Write-Output "Item is already readonly"
            else {
                Write-Output "Item is not readonly, setting"
                Set-ItemProperty -Path $File -Name IsReadOnly -Value $true
            Write-Output "File ready as readonly: "
            Get-ItemProperty  $file -Name IsReadonly

        Set-PerfcFile "C:\Windows\perfc"


    $serverList| %{ if (Test-Wsman -ComputerName $_  -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {
            write-output "WinRM is enabled $_ . Adding to the list."
            else {
            write-output "WinRM is not enabled on $_ . Run 'winrm quickconfig' to enable "
    Write-Output "These servers will be protected"

    Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock -Credential $Credential -ComputerName $AccessList
    Write-Output "Finished the protection process"
$Serverlist= @("computer1", "computer2")
$Credential = Get-Credential
Protect-Perfc -ServerList $Serverlist -Credentials $Credential